Starter Pack For Your First Spell Casting

Magic and spell-casting are skills worth learning that can bring change into your life and set you up for a head-start, allowing you to overcome certain obstacles and advance in your journey towards greatness.

Spell casting is nothing more than the management of energy and its redirection for a purpose. Our reality is changeable, and learning how to maneuver with the energies around you to create twists and turns that favor you and your practice is, without a shadow of a doubt, a learning process that will pay off.

How to Prepare for the spell casting?

Preparing for spell casting is simple, but requires to be thoroughly done. Casting spells on a whim is never advised, and it is of the utmost importance to be in the right mindset to do so. If you are not grounded and if you do not have the right state of mind to cast a spell, it will not be successful and this will impact your self-confidence as a practitioner, therefore your future magical workings.

Preparing for spell casting doesn’t have to be complicated! Here are some things that can be helpful.

  • Make sure that you desire what you’re casting a spell for.
  • Magic is like a tattoo, it is not a good idea to do it on a whim! It can be easy to act on impulse, but magic worked on impulse doesn’t usually give the best results. Dedicate some time to make sure that you want, need, or are aligned with what you are trying to bring into your life. Consider any possible downfalls before proceeding with your decision.

  • Make sure that you’re justified in your actions.
  • This is, make sure that you deserve and you are in the right position to proceed with your magic. If you are sure that you are doing the right thing and you know that you’re deserving of what you’re asking for, your confidence will grow exponentially and thus your chances of success. There is no point in working magic when you’re scared of its effects or worried about whether or not it will turn out against you, for this reason, do not undertake any magical working if you are not sure that it is what you want, and you are ready for it.

  • Gather your ingredients beforehand and have an idea of what you’re going to do and why.
  • Preparing in advance will help you set your intentions best and will prepare you for efficient and successful spell-working. The more you familiarize yourself with what you are going to do during the process of spell-casting, the more confident you will feel during the process, which will translate into how well everything flows around you.

  • If you are feeling anxious or agitated, meditate before attempting to do anything else.
  • Meditation is a fantastic tool for all spiritual endeavors and magic is no less. You can meditate by simply sitting comfortably or laying down and focusing on your breathing or different body parts, gaining awareness of your own existence and your surroundings.

    Acquiring this mental state of relaxation before you start your spell will catapult your energy levels to optimal and be of enormous help during the entire process.

    What do you need for your first spell casting?

    You don’t need to go all fancy or invest a ton of money in your magical practice. Here is an assortment of easily available things that are not excessively expensive to start building your spell casting arsenal, only with what you need!

    Spell Casting Books

    There is nothing that stops you from creating your own spells, in fact, it is preferable since you will be putting your own energy and intention into it from the very beginning. However, this can be quite intimidating for a beginner practitioner, so here are three books that can help you get started.

    Encyclopedia of 5.000 Spells

    1. Encyclopedia of 5.000 Spells - Judika Illes.

    This is a reference book worth having in your arsenal, you can find multiple spells ready to work in all areas of life, and you can also find inspiration to come up with your own spells when you are more advanced in your journey as a spell-caster!

    The Spells Book For New Witches

    2. The Spells Book For New Witches: Essential Spells To Change Your Life - Ambrosia Hawthorn.

    Specially formulated for inexperienced spell-casters, this book explains how to get started in your magical path in an easy way. It doesn’t only speak about spells, but also goes around the most basic ingredients and advice to effective and safe spell-casting.

    The Little Big Book of White Spells

    3. The Little Big Book of White Spells - Ileana Abrev

    This book is not only informative but also visually delightful. With a beautiful format, you will go over more than 200 spells that are quick and easy to help you in your career, family, love life, and more. The whole book is presented in a very uncomplicated way so that you are comfortable and reassured while practicing magic.


    Herbs are a classic of spell-casting, and one of the most useful and readily available ingredients that you can use in magic. While there are tons of herbs, some very difficult and complicated to acquire, the reality is that you do not have to go to great lengths to have a decent cupboard for all your magical needs. Here are my three favorite and most versatile herbs that you can buy on Amazon.

    Rosemary Leaf

    This one in particular is organic, what I prefer but is not necessarily a requirement. Rosemary can be used for protection, cleansing, and banishing spells, as well as in spells for wealth and money. For this reason, and for its amazing scent, it is a versatile herb that must be in your witch cabinet!

    Lavender Flowers

    Lavender is a must-have herb that’s incredibly versatile as well. You can use it in spells that have to do with enhancing your intuition, for protection, spirituality, love spells and self-love. Besides, it smells amazing, and you can add a little to the linen of your pillow and enjoy sweet, calming, and magical dreams!

    Bay Leaves

    One of my favourite things about bay leaves, aside of the fact that it is a super practical purchase because you can use them in the kitchen too, is that you can work spells directly with a bay leaf, needing no other ingredients! Research wish-magic or spells with bay leaves and you will find a lot of things that you can do with just this herb! It’s the best herb for spell casting ever!


    Crystals can magnify your energy, help you direct it, keep it, and in general help you enormously when you are casting a spell, especially if you need the effects to be long-lasting. Collecting crystals is a wonderful hobby, and to be honest, they are absolutely stunning, so it is very easy to fall for more of them. Here are the three top spell casting crystals.

    Crushed Pyrite

    Pyrite is a well-known magnifier in magic and spell-casting. It’s called the fool’s gold, and it is heavily connected with wealth magic, protection, and amplification. Adding crushed pyrite to your workings will enhance your magic and make it so much more potent and powerful. Being a magnifier, it works especially well in manifestation processes.

    Quartz Points

    Quartz is fantastic at condensing, directing and in general maneuvering energy! It is a crystal that can’t be missing in your collection. You can use a quartz point as a wand to help you direct the energy, to store certain energy or to amplify your own “magical radar”. In any case, quartz points are definitely a worthy investment.

    Tourmaline Chunks

    Tourmaline is one very versatile crystal that is known for never storing negative energies, transmuting all density and cleansing what it has around. For this reason, this is a crystal that will protect you and help you maintain your space, your energetic field and your magical tools cleansed and free of negativity at all times.


    There are multiple options that you can find on Amazon related to essential oils for spell casting! Oils are a fantastic complement to your spells, for instance, when you want to dress candles or simply add some extra mojo to working, even attract certain energy into your life by wearing a drop on yourself!

    This pack of essential oils by Anjou is my go to and all that I recommend for beginners. At a more than reasonable price, it offers all of the most useful and common essential oils that you need to have a good repertoire of oils to add to your spells.


    Candles are an inherent part of spell working, it is almost impossible to imagine magic or spell working an not visualize the flickering flame of a candle. Am I right? I am really big on using candles when I cast spells, but I don’t like to have a ton of them stored for space reasons. These are some of my favourites, so that you can have all that you need without wasting money or space.

    Assorted Colors Candle Pack

    I like this pack because you can have a candle of each color you can need readily available and without taking up a lot of space. As well, the fact that they’re unscented is fantastic for spell working, so you won’t have any uncalled for energies in your material.

    Tea Candles In Colored Holders

    This is another great investment! I love tea candles because they are really safe, and the colored holders add a layer of power if you use the color correspondences that you need, without having to take up a lot of space in having a lot of candles of different colours! All of your candles for spell-casting needs in one box!

    FAQ Section

    Is spell-casting safe?

    Spell casting is safe as long as you are grounded and responsible for what you’re doing. It is as safe as driving a car: If you are following the rules, paying attention and respecting the rest, chances are you will be fine! However, if you do it willy-nilly, it is possible that you have a less positive experience eventually!

    Continuing with the metaphor, it is also worthy to learn some theory before jumping into practice in order to increase your chances of staying safe in the process!

    Who can be a spell-caster?

    Literally anyone who is interested in learning has the potential of becoming a spell-caster. There is no need of being chosen by God or special in any way in order to be a proficient witch or spell caster. All that you need is being willing to learn, make mistakes, and start all over again! It is important to be humble, teachable and eager for knowledge when starting this path, and the rest will come to you in due time!

    What are the best materials for spell-casting?

      The materials are not as important as the spell-caster is. Magic and spell-casting is more than anything about intention, energy and focus. If your intent is clear, your focus is sharp and you are entirely devoted to the experience, the materials that you use will not make any difference. In the same way, spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on the best candles for spell casting, the most exotic and rare to find herbs and the purest oils will have no impact if you are not able to manage your own energy.

      Remember: When spell-casting, do not put the worth on the materials or ingredients, you are where the magic happens and the rest are props! Be confident in your abilities and your desire, and you will be good to go.

Amelie Stewart

Author Amelie Stewart

Astrologer and Tarot Reader from Boston, IL, USA. I've been practicing astrology and tarot for almost 10 years now. Recently, I`ve decided to start learning more about crystal therapy and yoga to be the best version of myself and share my knowledge with you.