Top 10 Wiccan Books To Buy in 2020

There is a wide offer of great books about Wicca and Witchcraft, and it can be confusing to know how to choose! Beginners can have it especially difficult with the number of books on Wicca and Witchcraft available. If you want to learn more about Wicca, it is important that you do it from reputable sources and that you don’t confuse Wicca, a religion, with the practice of Witchcraft, that not necessarily will fall under the umbrella of Wicca.

What are Wiccan books?

This is actually a very good question! There are tons and tons of books about witchcraft, spells, and magic, but not all of these books are actually Wiccan. The misconception that Wicca equals Witchcraft is very extended and it often makes it more difficult and confusing for new Wiccans to make progress.

Wiccan books need to be in alignment with the principles of Wicca and go by the hand with the system of beliefs, rules, and ritual that is associated with this practice. The best way to know for sure if you are in the presence of a Wiccan book is to research the author to know if they are practitioners themselves.

Keep reading to find out what are the best books for starting on a Wiccan path!

1. Wicca Book of Spells: A Book of Shadows for Wiccans, Witches, and Other Practitioners of Magic - Lisa Chamberlain.

 Wicca Book of Spells

Maybe this is not the best book for beginners, but it is one of the best Wiccan spell books that you can find! More indicated for someone who already has a certain level of knowledge of the Wiccan spirituality, this book is a great aid to those who want to start delving into magic and learning the ins and outs of the craft in a simple and effective way.

The spells that you can find in the book are practical, ordered by levels, and to the point. You will not require materials that you cannot find anywhere or complicated Latin texts. It is designed to be a guide of spells for the day to day to help you better your life and increase your chances of succeeding, prioritizing practicality over the fancy.

2. Complete Book of Witchcraft - Raymond Buckland.

Complete Book of Witchcraft

This is without a shadow of a doubt the most complete and traditional book that you can get if you are taking your first steps into Wicca. The book is rigorous yet accessible, introducing you to Wiccan witchcraft in a step-to-step fashion. The guide walks the reader through the historical and spiritual aspects of the Wiccan religion, as well as different deities, traditions, and beliefs and rituals. As well, it offers a good introduction to divination, spells, herbalism, sabbath, and esbats, and other elements of the spiritual practice.

This book is considered a classic and a must-have for witches of all traditions for the valuable information that it offers, which makes it one of the best books for the beginning solitary Wiccan.

3. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham

Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

Another acclaimed classic that never gets old! Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner is a fairly solid manual packed with a lot of valuable information to get you started in Wicca, its beliefs, rituals, and practices. This introduction to Wicca is not only about religion and magic, but about how to live a life that’s consistent with the principles of Wicca and exist in alignment with the Earth.

This thorough guide is among the best Wiccan religion books, for it offers a comprehensive perspective on all the aspects of Wicca: Ritual and belief, lifestyle, magic, divination, ecology, and more. The book is really easy to find and usually inexpensive, so it is definitely one of the bibles of the Wiccan tradition.

4. The Spiral Dance - Starhawk

The Spiral Dance

The Spiral Dance is one of the most famous books on Wicca by the hand of Starhawk, a lifelong practitioner of the Dianic tradition. This book has been revisited three times since it first came out, adapting the already rich text to current times, while leaving the original text and content mainly untouched while keeping it relatable.

Focused on the role of the goddess in the life of the practitioners, this book enhances the divine feminine and teaches how to grow your inner power, connect with the goddess and live an aligned life, balancing your mind, body, and spirit. All of this is done through entertaining explanations and easy exercises that make it really easy to integrate the practice into your daily life.

5. Tending Brigid's Flame: Awaken to the Celtic Goddess of Hearth, Temple, and Forge - Lunaea Wheatherstone.

Tending Brigids Flame

This is a more advanced book that focuses on the cult of Brigid, one of the most venerated deities in Celtic Wicca. The book is filled with rituals, prayers, exercises and meditations to bring the solitary practitioner closer to Brigid and live a life of worship and fulfillment.

Brigid is one of the single most worshipped deities, especially by women, by the way in which her influence lights up the life of the devotee and increases their inner power and alignment. Make each day magical and sacred and keep the flame of Brigid alive with the help of this through the devotional guide that will not only fill you up with information about the goddess but set a foundation for you to start devotional routines.

6. Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic - Scott Cunningham

 Earth, Air, Fire & Water

Scott Cunningham, author of the fantastic Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner has made many great contributions to Wiccan spellbooks and education. Earth, Air, Fire & Water is a guide on elemental magic that will teach the practitioner how to identify, grow, use and work with the energies of each one of the four elements and use them as pillars to their magic to transform their lives and themselves.

The guide contains over seventy spells and rituals for different areas of life involving the four elements, for this, it is a consistent book to get you started in elemental magic, one of the most practical and readily available branches of witchcraft!

7. Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham

Living Wicca

A new gem meant to complement the original Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by the same author. In this volume, Cunningham goes deeper into the themes and issues presented in his original work, offering a more philosophical approach to the questions and practices of Wicca.

Living Wicca aims to take your practice a step further, probably being one of the best books for advanced Wiccan practitioners, teaching you how to create your own rituals and spells with ease and confidence, so that you do not depend on pre-made rites to fulfill your magical needs. As well, it will give you enough information to allow you to start your path towards becoming a High Priest or Priestess.

8. The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home. - Scott Cunningham

Magical Household

The ultimate way to harmonize your life and honor your spiritual practice is to permanently live within a sacred space. While this may seem a bizarre concept, or an unattainable goal full of challenges, Cunningham presents a guide to make your house into your temple! Bring joy, warmth and harmony into your life and home and create a safe, sacred space to grow and thrive!

This adorable guide is one of the favorite books of devoted Wiccans, who have seen their lives be transformed thanks to the wisdom contained in the book! Transform every day and activity into something magical and see how it makes an impact on your routine.

9. Wicca: A Year and a Day: 366 Days of Spiritual Practice in the Craft of the Wise - Timothy Roderick

366 Days of Spiritual Practice

This book is not recommendable for anxious aspiring witches! The guide by Roderick takes the traditional approach that requires a year and a day of study before committing to the wiccan practice, thus offering an incredibly in-depth book that is more of a guide of the study to digest and integrate with calm.

The book can be a bit dense, but each piece of information is an absolute gem! Following this book and its method will set you up for success in your magical practice! However; No rush is allowed! Take the time to explore the ins and outs of traditional Wicca and become a serious and solid practitioner.

10. Wicca Magical Deities: A Guide to the Wiccan God and Goddess, and Choosing a Deity to Work Magic With - Lisa Chamberlain.

Wicca Magical Deities

Here you can explore the different deities in Wicca, as well as learn more about their worship, their characters and how to properly devotion a god or goddess of the Wiccan tradition. Choosing a deity to work with - also known as a patron or matron deity - is complicated for many practitioners, especially those who are just started in the path. Learn how to interpret the signs, create a connection with different deities and how and when do you need to work with them.

Creating a beautiful relationship with a deity is one of the most fulfilling things in any practitioner’s path. This guide makes the process as easy as it can be!


There’s no question that the best Wiccan teaching books are those written by long-life practitioners. It is my firm opinion that Scott Cunningham is one of those authors that never disappoint! Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner is probably the best Wiccan book of all times and very likely one of the best Wiccan books for getting started in your practice. Why search further when you can have all that you need in a single volume? That’s what this outstanding guide can do for you! Search no more and start your journey!


Where to get Wiccan books for beginners?

Thankfully, Wicca is probably the most widely spread and accepted branch of the magical path, so it is fairly accessible even in the mainstream. It shouldn’t be difficult for you to access one of the most famous volumes in your local library or to get your hands on a book at your local store. However, if those options are not possible or you want or need to keep it secret, you can only search in different online stores that will deliver the books that you need at your doorstep!

For whom Wiccan books might be useful?

The short answer is for whoever wants to read them! Wicca is a fascinating religion worth learning about even if you are not considering becoming a practitioner yourself! A more detailed answer, though, is that Wiccan books are useful for those who are decided to follow the path and ways of religion.

Witchcraft is a practice that virtually anyone can learn, develop, and polish. However, Wicca is a religion and, just like any other, is subject to a series of rules, beliefs, rituals and traditions that need to be honored by the practitioners.

What are the top 3 Wiccan books to buy in 2020?

Depending on the practitioner’s level, the answer can vary! The beginner practitioner will always benefit from a thorough and reliable reading such as Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham or Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft. Both volumes have been around for decades and served as a base for many, many Wiccans all around the globe.

Those who are seeking to take their journey a bit further or want to learn more about specific areas will enjoy The Magical Household, which will open the doors to living a more magical and spiritual life!

Seasoned Wiccans who are seeking more independency in their paths will definitely make changes in their lifestyle thanks to Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, getting the confidence that they need to create their own rituals and become leaders to their tradition!

Amelie Stewart

Author Amelie Stewart

Astrologer and Tarot Reader from Boston, IL, USA. I've been practicing astrology and tarot for almost 10 years now. Recently, I`ve decided to start learning more about crystal therapy and yoga to be the best version of myself and share my knowledge with you.